In 1950, Boles Children’s Home (Quinlan, Texas) secured a lease of 53 acres from the Army Corp of Engineers on the shores of the newly-formed Lake Texoma.
A few years later, Sunset Youth Camp, a not-for-profit organization overseen by the elders of the Sunset Church of Christ in Dallas, TX, began operating a youth camp on the property for a few weeks every summer. In 1965, Sunset Youth Camp was incorporated, and the camp’s name was changed to Texoma Youth Camp to reflected the corporation’s expanded leadership and growing participation.
Since 1965, Texoma Youth Camp has operated summer youth camps on the original Boles Home lease, and has been responsible for subleasing the property to other organizations, and for all improvements and maintenance.
In 1993, the board of Directors of Boles Home decided that it was in the best interest of Boles Home, TYC, and the property that the lease be transferred to Texoma Youth Camp, Inc. The transfer was accomplished in 1995.
The Current Priorities of Texoma Youth Camp
Today, Texoma Youth Camp strives to promote value and character building experiences by utilizing the beautiful surrounding of Lake Texoma. Life-enriching principles are taught in fun and interactive ways. Emphasis is on having fun, making friends, honoring family, and building faith - by instilling positive changes that can be taken back home.
Numerous churches and non-profit groups rent the facility for camps and retreats. Additionally, the camp is made available to groups for recreational purposes, such as family reunions, scout troop outings and school functions.
The GOALS of Texoma Youth Camp
The vision of the TYC Board of Directors is to continuously improve and expand the facilities for the summer camp program and to be able to maximize the use of the property during winter months as well. A long-term goal for the property is to transform it into a year-round conference center utilized for many purposes.
Although operation of a summer camp for youth will always be a primary purpose, The Board of Directors of Texoma Youth Camp realize that the property can be utilized for many other purposes which benefit the communities of north Texas and southern Oklahoma.
For more information regarding Texoma Youth Camp, please contact us today!